Thursday, April 26, 2012

Pakistan successfully test fires Hatf IV ballistic missile

Pakistan today successfully conducted the launch of the intermediate range ballistic missile Hatf IV Shaheen-1A weapon system,” ISPR said in a statement.According to a statement issued by the ISPR, the ‘Shaheen 1A’ missile is an upgraded version of the ‘Shaheen 1’ with a longer rang...

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Iran is Building a Copy of the RQ-17

Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, chief of the aerospace division of the powerful Revolutionary Guards, related what he said were details of the aircraft's operational history to prove his claim that Tehran's military experts had extracted data from the U.S. RQ-170 Sentinel captured in December in eastern Iran, state television reported. Among the drone's past missions, he said, was surveillance of the compound in northwest Pakistan in which Osama Bin Laden lived and was...

Chinese Tanks For Everyone

Chinese MBT-2000 (also known as the VT1A) tanks have recently appeared in Myanmar. Last year Bangladesh bought 44 MBT-2000 tanks, plus three recovery vehicles for about $5 million each. The MBT-2000 is a major upgrade for both countries. Bangladesh currently has a force of some 500 heavy tanks, about 60 percent of them the Chinese Type 59 (a copy of the Russian T-54), with the rest being Type 69 (copies of the Russian T-55). Both are 1950s technology, with some upgrades. Myanmar...

Friday, April 20, 2012

China sends 11th flotilla to patrol in Gulf of Aden

A Chinese Navy relief task force has left for the Gulf of Aden to escort ships off Somalia’s pirate-infested water...

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Israeli Air Force Attack to Iran

Israel has  again demonstrated its readiness to launch a massive assault on Iran’s nuclear facilities. The Israeli Air Force is geared up and ready to strike as soon as the order is given, a major Israeli TV station report...

Pictures of avalanche affected soldiers in Siachen


Monday, April 16, 2012

Type 054A (Jiangkai-II Class) Missile Frigate

The Type 054A is the new-generation multirole missile frigate developed from the Type 054 (Jiangkai Class), incorporated with improved weapon systems and sensors.. The first and third hull were built by the Huangpu Shipyard, and the second and fourth by the Hudong-zhonghua Shipyar...

Thursday, April 12, 2012

China deploys new tanks on Tibetan Plateau

 Type 96 tanks, which is a third generation tank in service in PLA. It features a 125 mm smoothbore gun, with a 1000 hp diesel engine. An estimated 1,500 Type 96 tanks are currently in service with the PLA. China is slowly building up the infrastructures on Tibet to allow more rapid deployment of troops. We shall see more military maneuvers in Tibet....

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Iran new Thamen Radar System

Iran's air defense will deploy a new domestically-manufactured radar system in the near future, says the commander of the Iranian Arm...

Photo of the day: Other recently surfaced ZBL09 variants.


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

India 8 MQ-4C BAMS UAVs

To ensure continuous coverage of its oceanic frontiers, the Indian navy would need six to eight Northrop Grumman MQ-4C Broad Area Maritime Surveillance (BAMS) unmanned air systems (UAS...

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Indian Second Embraer EMB-145I

Indian air force and the DRDO signed a contract Embraer the supply of three EMB-145, designed for installation in aircraft of Indian, in 2008. Its value is $ 250 million. The Brazilians made ​​the first aircraft test flight in December last yea...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Russia T-50 Fighter Jet

From the outset, the project promising aviation complex tactical aviation (PAK FA) has been surrounded by rumors and controversies. The majority of them dealt with only two or three directions, such as the feasibility of the project, cost and characteristics of the finished aircraft. Since that time the design was completed, was built three prototypes, and spores are in the old way. But with all the modern aviation is not only an economic or tactical side, but also technological....

Monday, April 2, 2012

Iran Missile Boat with a Missile System Merhab

 While passing the Strait of Hormuz in the military exercise "Velayat-90" Iran's navy carried out a test developed by the Iranian military, anti-aircraft missile system called Merhab. Launch occurred with converted Iranian military missile boat P 228 Gorz (the French model of development such as La Combattante II, constructed in 1978). As noted by Agence France-Presse, through the Strait of Hormuz is more than a third of all the oil vessels in the world, making it a strategic...

Land Sector is Central to BAE in India

‘The major investment that we have made in Defence Land Systems India (DLSI) is a recognition that for us this has become a home market. The only way to gain access to a home market is to be onshore and to be national,' Dean McCumiskey, chief executive officer of BAE Systems India, told Shephard at Defexpo India 201...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

India to Deploy Two Nuclear Submarines

India will operate two nuclear powered submarines soon as it inducts the Russian Nerpa and launches the indigenous INS Arihant. India is also testing the Sagarika K-15 missile that will be carried by INS Arihant, V K Saraswat said, adding that more than 10 test launches have been carried out in the Bay of Benga...

F-22 Raptor Incidents Still a Mystery, Panel Finds

  F-22 Raptors that resulted in a lack of oxygen affecting pilots, but said in a Pentagon press conference on Thursday that they are confident that the fighter’s oxygen system does not pose any unnecessary ris...

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