Chinese female snipers under the Nanjing Military Area Command (MAC) of the People’s Liberation Army conducted actual-combat training in jungle environmen...
Chinese stealth fighter J-20 may be armed with a new model of air-to-air missiles in its side weapon bay. The Images showing that the fighter is lanuching missiles in the air-to-air&nbs...
Chinese first female special operation company of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) carried out the first parachute landing training in an area of North China...
Russian carrier-deck pilot training site will be ready for operation by next year, Navy Commander Admiral Viktor Chirkov said on Sunday, replacing a Soviet-era base in Ukraine which Kiev has said it may lease to other countrie...
Tests of Russian fifth-generation T-50 fighter jets in the Chkalov state flight test center in Akhtubinsk,Astrakhan Region in south Russia may start in July, Air Force Commander Lt.Gen. Viktor Bondarev said...
Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) conducted a “Skill Show of Top Soldiers.The images show some top soldiers are disassembling guns and shells with eyes clos...