Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Images of the day Pakistan Army Successful Tests Short-Range Ballistic Missile.

Pakistan army on Tuesday conducted a successful test launch of its Haft III/Vengeance III Ghaznavi short-range ballistic missile as it continues to strengthen its deterrent capabilities against archival Indi...

Friday, April 18, 2014

Images of the day Russian Commences Work on Su-30MKI Repair and Overhaul Facility in India.

Images of the day Russian Commences Work on Su-30MKI Repair and Overhaul Facility in India. ...

New images of the day Chinese (PLAN) J-15 Flying Shark Fighter Jet take off CV16 Liaoning Aircraft Carrier.

Chinese J-15 Flying Shark Fighter Jet take off CV16 Liaoning Aircraft Carrier of the People's Liberation Army (PLAN) Navy. ...

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Chinese Armed Police Force (APF) special operation members in anti-terror drill.

Chinese APF special operation members cover each other alternately to search the enemy.&nbs...

Photos of the day Chinese PLA aviation troops in actual-combat drill.

Chinese ( PLA) aviation troops in actual-combat drill An aviation division under the air force of the Chengdu Military Area Command (MAC) of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) conducted extreme low-altitude penetration dril...

Sunday, April 6, 2014

News of the day Russian to the Offers Brazil Joint Development Of PAK-FA Stealth Fighter jet.

Russian to the offer Brazil joint development of the fifth-generation PAK-FA T-50 Stealth Fighter je...

Nanjing Military Area Command (MAC) of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Soldiers carry out copter landing drill.

Images shows the soldiers carrying out a copter landing drill. A regiment under the Nanjing Military Area Command (MAC) of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) carried out a drill...

Photos of the day Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLAN) Navy First Zubr Hovercraft LCAC 3325 commissioned.

          Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLAN) Navy First Zubr Hovercraft LCAC 3325 commissione...

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