Saturday, October 18, 2014

News of the day :Chinese (PLA) Z-10 attack helicopters in training.

News of the day :Chinese People’s Liberation Army aviation brigade of the Guangzhou Military Area Command conducts a drill for the Z-10 attack helicopte...

Sunday, October 12, 2014

News of the day Chinese air force under the Shenyang Military Area Command (MAC) of the( PLAF) carried out a combat readiness drill .

Chinese air force under the Shenyang Military Area Command (MAC) of the People's Liberation Army (PLAF) carried out a combat readiness dril...

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

News of the day Pakistan PAF fighter jet crashes near Kuchlak Town.

News of the day :Pakistan Air Force (PAF) fighter jet crashed near Kuchlak town on Wednesday, with both pilots ejecting to safety. ...

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